Friday, January 6, 2012

Who says you can't play with your food?

I am hungry, and it's been a long day. But what to do, it's only day 7 and I can't skip out on this project, but I am so tired and I hear friends and a magazine calling my name, also a plate of long awaited tots. SO, I gave myself the time it takes to cook tots, roughly 15 minutes in a toaster oven, so that was long enough to make a pair of earrings, out of un cooked prawn crackers. If you have been to any of my parties, you will know this is a much loved party snack, fried puffed up slightly shrimp flavored rice starch. So good! But, they look like plastic and have the texture of a shrinky dink before they are cooked, so perfect for jewelry. Wrap them in some wire and TA DA! Beautiful earrings that I am actually considering adorning myself with again. Happy Friday y'all! I am done in 12 with 3 min to spare on the tots!

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