Sunday, January 1, 2012

Day 1, Fail, but well

OK, so, I was planning on making some awesome New Year Nachos (black eyed peas make them special, it's a southern thing, black eyed peas bring luck and wealth in the new year eaten on the day of), but the day got away, and friends and family were to blame. We had an awesome lunch at Pho So 1 with Helen and Adrian who were visiting RVA for the holiday. After working really, really hard on the house we got an awesome surprise and we were made dinner. So, I made an appetizer of the strangest thing ever that I found at Ikea from the trip up on Friday, Crab Spread and Fake Caviar made from seaweed. It was delish, tho no one else would dare to try. So, I am easing into this whole thing. Not too bad for new years day.

1 comment:

Barbara said...

That's an inventive appetizer! I have to admit I don't think I would have the courage to try it either :)