Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year

Ok, so, thanks to a good friend of mine,Noah Scalin and his book 365 Creativity Journal, I am attempting a slightly insane project attempt. So, for the year of 2012, I will be creating something each day, to hopefully help me get out of my creative rut and regain a sense of self. So, for the next year I will be either making a piece of jewelry OR cooking / baking. Hence Pancakes and Pendants, two of my favorite things to make, neither of which am I very good at but it's the creative journey and the inventiveness that matters.

For those of you who know me, I know what you are thinking, that cooking is like cheating, but I am challenging myself and my writing skills and I will be WRITING DOWN all of the recipes that I will be making and posting them on the blog with the pics and events of the day. So there will actually be written documentation of the foods that I make. ( you are welcome KM. )

Wish me luck and please try to beat me along the way, I will need inspiration and a bit of motivation, especially when the going gets tough and life tries to take over.

Best wishes to all for 2012. Here goes!

1 comment:

Noah said...

Yay! Congrats on starting, I look forward to following!