Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Trying to go with it

OK, so blogger changed it's structure on me and I am getting used to it. This may be a little bumpy. I have had a rough day and tried to make it better by going to the market which usually makes things better, but just ended up with a bunch of randomness and nonsense, which by the by makes for an unusual dinner. So, here goes.

 Browned Tempeh in Duck Fat with a honey miso glaze:
1 package tempeh 3 tbs rendered duck fat, mine came from Belmont and the awesomeness that exists there - you can also make this meal vegan and use olive oil. cube tempeh and fry in duck fat on all sides until a light golden brown.

1 1/2 tbs miso
 1 tbs honey
1 tbs soy sauce
1 tbs boiling water
1 pinch pepper flakes
 mix well and brush / spoon over fried tempeh when it's finished cooking, the sauce will be absorbed better that way.

 Spicy Baby Broccoli:
1 bunch baby broccoli, ends trimmed dunk in boiling water for 2 minutes and quickly remove, no need to blanch if you are going to eat quickly.
 toss with 2 tbs olive oil, 1 clove garlic diced, 1 pinch red pepper flakes, good dash sea salt
lemon spritz is good here too

  Oyster Mushrooms with Caramelized Onions:
1 small onion, sliced
1 good bunch of high quality oyster mushrooms, separated and ends trimmed in the tempeh pan, fry with remaining duck fat and a dash of olive oil so they don't stick. stir occasionally until golden brown.

 and sweet potatoes to round the whole thing out. I boiled mine and then tossed with some of the tempeh sauce.

 All very lovely together, a bit strange but combining the flavors across the meal without using the exact same thing for each part of the meal helped to bring it all together. Top it off with a brand new seltzer maker, and I am feeling a bit better than I was when I got home.

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