Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Grillin' Out, in MARCH

This evening's meal is brought to you by this fantastic 80 degree weather we are having in March. Since spring fever is hitting hard this year, I store bought my miso basted fish filets, rather than making my own marinade, and opted to go for a lovely bike ride to the wine store with my husband in the evening light to get beers for grilling instead. So thank you Trader Joe's.

Steam 2 c brown rice in rice cooker.

Grilled Fennel and Asparagus, trim up, cut fennel into large grill-able sized chunks, and hit with a little olive oil. Trim ends off of asparagus.

Grill on high for 4-8 min. Depending on the amount of done you want.

meanwhile, slice onion and pan fry with olive oil until caramelizing. In a large bowl mix 2 tbs lemon juice, 2 tbs olive oil, 1 tsp salt, ground pepper to taste and 1 tbs honey. Pour in hot onions and mix with grilled veggies.

While you are grilling, pull out that lovely Trader Joe's pre marinated filet and cook per directions. I sauteed on stovetop for 5-7 min.

Serve over brown rice.

Enjoy with hard earned beer and loving husband whilst girlfriends beckon from bikes on the street corner and ring doorbell, peeking in windos like some nymphs begging for you to come play.

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