Monday, August 6, 2012

Pepsi for your time

Random happenings in northside lead me down a very interesting and insightful mid-day adventure. I was wrapping up dishes this morning after a not so normal start* to my week, thanks Noah, when I heard an awful noise and realized it was this cute little old man in an ancient Buick with a flat. I asked him if he needed help, shouting out of my kitchen window, and he replied that he lived just a few houses down and he would return home and deal with it. I continued on about my day, busying myself with whatever, and as I settled in with a cup of coffee, I heard a knock at the door. Same little man, standing at my door, not entirely sure of what he should do. He thanked me for warning him of his tire and said that he didn't realize that it was all that bad. I said that I am sure the problem was solvable and we took off to fix it.

Long story short, over the course of 4 hours, I got to know Mr Tommy James and all his travelings and kindness. He's a pilot among many things, tugging at my heart strings. He likes to collect silver dollars, one of the many jars that he had apparently forgotten about, was lolling about in the trunk of his car. We brought that in the house for safe keeping, lest someone get sticky fingers at the shop. He sews dresses, wich, I think will come in handy, considering in the events of the morning, I ripped my skirt, twice.

We also met Michael, the kindest person, who happened to work at the tire shop up the street, who was able, after my failed attempt at getting the tire off the car, to help us not only get the tire off but, returned to the shop with the tire, put the spare on ( the spare that I found in the trunk was without a rim and useless without a professional to put it on there for us). All of this on his lunch break, which he came to the park for some peace, and charged Mr Tommy $7. Tommy really wanted to pay us for our time and kept requesting that we give him tasks and asking to help. My only request, of the tottery man was for a  drink, mostly to make him feel like he did his part. He had no business changing a tire or lugging any of the heavy mess that needed to be moved, he walked with a cane and not very well at that. He very proudly brought me a Pepsi and I happily took a swig.

After the whole ordeal, many hours, and conversations later, we returned to the house, I parked his car, and we stood in the back yard, surrounded by hundreds of dragonflies. He commented on never having experienced anything like this before. I seconded the notion and we hugged and parted ways.

 I am not sure how long I will get to know Tommy for, he's in his eighties, tho I think he prefers 50's upon request. He lives by himself and I believe that I have made a new friend for a time, to share some stories with and keep each other company. He apparently has a bit of knowledge for me on my path.

Reflecting on these events, I have but little advice, we all have a short time here, some shorter than others. Always take the time if that little voice asks you to. It may show you wealth and treasures that you would never have known otherwise.

*The not so normal start was with my usual walk/run through northside but ended at the salt water pool with Noah & Jess. Near the end of our swim, we looked up to see hundreds of dragonflies, literally hundreds, flying about just above the pool and over a bit. It was an incredible sight. They have been tempting me to come play for a few weeks now, one or two here and there would come to my desk window and dart about, tapping on the cars and making their presence known. I am fully aware why the dragonflies are here. I am listening, trust me.

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