I managed to get home at a reasonable hour this evening, so I played in the kitchen for a few hours. I had enough time to get a few things started, cook dinner and prep foods for this weekend. I started my OWN kimchi. Spencer, don't worry, my life insurance is paid up. I will document how this progresses over the next few days and write about how it tastes. I also checked on my kombucha, it should be done by Sunday. So, this evening I made just a simple roast chicken with roasted winter veggies and toasted some bread. Simple and satisfying, though didn't pair well with the weather at all, with it being 80 degrees and all. I really wanted sushi, but the bird was purchased and NEEDED to go in the oven.
Roast Chicken:
1 chicken - hoy you procure and get it to an oven ready state is your business. Mine came from Ellwood Thompson via Bell & Evans.
olive oil
salt and pepper to taste - well, you'll taste it later. about 1 teaspoon of each will do for now.
3 large rosemary sprigs - shove these in the nether region it's more about the aromatic flavor than making it pretty.
Bake said chicken in oven 375-ish ( my oven = no temperature or numbers on knob to let you know how hot it is or isn't as tends to be the case more often than not.) Roughly 63 minutes bake time will get you crispy skin and juicy meat if it's roughly a 3 pound bird.
I threw the trinity in since I will be roasting off and boiling down the carcus to make stock for soup. If I am going to eat something that was once walking around, I am going to use the entirety of it. Take whatevers left from preparing the veggies for the oven and put it aside to make stock with. This would be the peels from garlic, celery bottoms ( the tops are best for stirfrys and salads), onion skins and the buts that get cut off.
3-5 ribs of celery
2-4 carrots
1 onion
4 cloves garlic
1 sprig of rosemary, stripped of it's leaves
1 tbs olive oil
salt and pepper
rough chop everything and toss together in baking pan with oil, salt and pepper & rosemary.
bake with chicken 45-50 min
Enjoy with rough country bread toasted with olive oil and rubbed with garlic
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